MidventralRangeMarking that much resembles the midventrical stripey marking of for example a Thompson gazelle. It usually goes from top of the armpit to the flank. If dominant the donkey also usually sport a neckstripe as well that go from the cheek to the base of the neck, just by the shoulder. It can also have some V-shaped stripes on its forehead, usually just one V-shape but sometimes there might be a second one. For inspiration look at the M-marking with tabbycoated cats. The minimum range, shown in YELLOW, is the most common for both the homozygous and the hetrozygous form. Within its range the marking is "bottomheavy" ie it will always spread from the bottom of the range and up/outwards starting from the barrel/belly. Its maximum range is shown above in BLUE and are usually only spread within that range if dominant and if both parents have the marking. ![]() ![]() What type of edges on this markingSomewhat ragged but crisp. If the donkey have white points the 'stripe' can be slightly blurred towards it. Do-Not's
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The group is flexible when it comes to the looks of the markings (since nature doesn't always follow the rules and goes by *strict* lines), so as long as your markings are similar to the examples you shouldn't have any issues. As long as the marking is still visually identifiable everything is good in the hood. NOTE - if too many people abuse this, rules will become stricter.