TickingRangeTicking is a pattern of many small pigmented flecks, spots or speckles of dark-coloured hair which only appear on white marked areas of the body, such as the patches caused by spotted, tyger or common leg/face markings. The marking can cover the entire body (shown in BLUE+YELLOW) but the amount of ticking varies greatly between donkeys, but generally homozygous ticking produces denser marks than a heterozygous.
Ticking is usually heaviest on the legs and muzzle, and if a donkey has only a small amount of ticking what little there is will be concentrated in these areas (shown in YELLOW). If the donkey is spotted the ticking can be concentrated around the rims of the spotted markings, making these looking a bit roaned at the edges (see example above). What type of edges on this marking
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The group is flexible when it comes to the looks of the markings (since nature doesn't always follow the rules and goes by *strict* lines), so as long as your markings are similar to the examples you shouldn't have any issues. As long as the marking is still visually identifiable everything is good in the hood. NOTE - if too many people abuse this, rules will become stricter.