UmoruRangeThis marking give the look of dark pangare with a slight difference. In the case of white points the Umoru will outline it, the edges of the marking on the body then tend to be somewhat blurred/soft (not 100%) like a darker shadow. A firm edge must still be detected - the dark color cant blur out fully into the coat. The BLUE in the image shows the maximum range and the YELLOW the minimum. There is no visible difference between heterozygous and homozygous Umoru.
What type of edges on this markingThe marks edges on the donkeys head are usually rather hard and distinct while on the body and on the legs the marking are somewhat blurred/soft to hard edges. Do-Not's
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The group is flexible when it comes to the looks of the markings (since nature doesn't always follow the rules and goes by *strict* lines), so as long as your markings are similar to the examples you shouldn't have any issues. As long as the marking is still visually identifiable everything is good in the hood. NOTE - if too many people abuse this, rules will become stricter.