A fylgjur or 'follower' is a personal animal spirit who accompanies a donkey and always stands in connection to their magic, may influence their fate or fortune. It is part of who your donkey are and can not be removed. These are animals that exist in the donkeys island world and if encountered with a real living animal of their follower, they usually get a connection (depending) on the bond they have with their spirit companion.

What fylgjur?
This all depends on what RL month your donkey is born in. The birthmonth for Island donkeys are calculated 3 months forward in time from when the breeding picture is sent (and the breeding is submitted by the group form).
In order to reap the benefits of it's fylgjur, the donkey and the fylgjur must first become more comfortable with eachother. This is done through the act of bonding. Bonding can be done with including the fylgjur in either the picture or in the text you write. Each bonding will increase the familiar's level of comfort with the donkey. It have to be somewhat active through the text (not just mentioned once or twice) if its literature and a colored, shaded picture with a full background if drawn.
The more bonded a donkey is with it's fylgjur, the luckier it will be in roamings or adventure rides. In other words the bond between them also equals luck. Each time it's included you will get +1 LP in fylgjur bond.

Level I (0-20 LP) | 40% Luck (Success) Chance to find +1 extra item |
Level II (21-40 LP) | 50% Luck (Success) Chance to find + 1-2 extra items |
Level III (41-60 LP) | 65% Luck (Success) Chance to find + 1-3 extra items |
Level IV (61-80 LP) | 80% Luck (Success) Chance to find + 2-3 extra items |
Level V (81-100 LP) | 100% Luck (Success) Chance to find + 3-4 extra items |
RL Month | IG Season | Fylgjur | Bonus |
January | Winter | Bat | - |
February | Spring | Sugar Glider | - |
March | Summer | Tortoise | - |
April | Autumn | Toad | - |
May | Winter | Kraal/"emu" | - |
June | Spring | Frog | - |
July | Summer | Hare | - |
August | Autumn | Platypus | - |
September | Winter | Harakka/Magpie | - |
October | Spring | Rakali | - |
November | Summer | Echidna | - |
December | Autumn | Goanna | - |