Sailor 2yo - "Not a bad horse"
Sailor 3yo - "When the wind fills my sail"
I can't be still, I can't be tied
The only time I feel alive is
When the wind fills my sail
Riding on a lifelong swell
Let my heart take me where it want to go
That's the soul of a sailor, the soul of a sailor
/Kenny Chesney
Sailor 4yo - "All the nice girls love a Sailor"
All the nice girls love a sailor
All the nice girls love a tar
For there's something about a sailor (Well you know what sailors are!)
Bright and breezy, free and easy,
He's the ladies' pride and joy!
He falls in love with Kate and Jane, then he's off to sea again,
Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!
Sailor 5yo - "Who can sail without the wind"
Who can sail without the wind,
Who can row without an oar,
Who can leave a friend,
without shedding a tear?
I can sail without the wind,
I can row without an oar,
But I can't leave a friend,
without shedding a tear.
/Swedish song