About the breed
In modern use, some organizations may define a pony as a mature horse below a certain height at the withers; this may vary from about 142 cm (14.0 h) to nearly 150 cm (14.3 h). In Sweden a pony is from 107 cm up to 148 cm and are devided into four by size (see more below).
The ponies sorted into this section are pony crosses that cant quite go into the ridingpony section. They would count as "breeding material" to produce riding ponies however.
Décors Pony Crosses
Here at Décors our pony crosses can come in all of the categorys we categorize ponies in Sweden. They have been placed here due to their imagined height if would they would have been real. Most commonly are however the two larger ones as they are used as 'base' for our ridingpony breeding. Category A: These ponies would in real life be about up to 107,0 cm at the withers. Category B: These ponies would in real life be about 107,1 - 130,0 cm at the withers. Category C: These ponies would in real life be about 130,1 - 140,0 cm at the withers. Category D: These ponies would in real life be about 140,1 - 148,0 cm at the withers.