Eye ColorsEye color in the Drabardi breed has a widge range, with some colors being rarer than others. Unlike horses, it don't matter what base color the donkey has because it won't determine the eye color. A donkey foal gets its eye color from one of the parents. This can make breeding for eye color interesting as well!
As with many animals it's natural to see some slight variations between donkeys of the same eye color, but please try to stay close to the examples below.
A white sclera (think appaloosa horses) can be added to all eye colors IF the donkey has a gene that "allows" it. If not, it won't be permitted. The white sclera can be seen in Chardonnay, Ivorie and Tyger spotted Drabardi donkeys.
1) Is (iceblue) 2) Bestla (light blue) 3) Ran ((darker) blue) ![]() 4) Vuldr (grey-blue) 5) Eydis * (purple) 6) Greple (grey-purple) ![]() 7) Hlif * (teal) 8) Glitnir (mintgreen) 9) Groa (green) ![]() 10) Vale (grey-green) 11) Kvasir (light brown) 12) Jord (dark brown) ![]() 13) Gaupi (sea foam) * 14) Brisingr * (amber/copper) 15) Embla (hunter green) ![]() 16) Mani ** (blue/silvery) 17) Sol ** (golden) 18) Nott ** (matte black) ![]() 19) Eir (green/blue**) 20) Ginnunga (orange/blue**) 21) Gleipnir (brown/blue**) 19, 20, and 21 have an eye color mutation called heterochromia. While the colormixes are set/firm, you have freedom to decide how the heterochromia should look (sectorial, central or complete). The donkeys can have this no matter if they have white going over their eyes or not.
When breeding a Drabardi that has one of those eye colors marked with * or ** it will be rolled by RNG. If not marked with an asterisk, you are free to choose from either of the parents' eye color. This system is designed to keep certain colors rare. See more on the breeding journal . |