Dark Magic
If the Drabardi donkey focus it's magic toward causing destruction, or harming, cursing and otherwise complicating the lives of other donkeys (or people) while advancing it's own fortune it's magic will be eventually seen and deemed considered "darkened" in the eyes of the Mother-of-all. The donkey is said to have turned against the Mother-of-all, and instead joining the First Son Tamas. The dark magic donkey are willing to use its magical skill that to something that would traditionally be viewed as taboo and they are generally willing to go farther than most would even consider if it serves their purposes. Dark Magic possess the same capabilities as the donkeys regular magic, though it appears to be slightly more potent. It also ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal elemental power, like dark fire can take longer to put out etc. Using dark magic may be highly addictive and will leave the donkey susceptible to negative influences, it also tends to get out of hand even if it's treated with respect. It is also much harder to control. Nature catastrophs anyone? Now you know where they come from. Finally it might not be able to do good things in the future even if it want to and most of it's actions are selfish.
How this works is that every point you get in magic (only!) you write in negative numbers. For example, you start with "0". When you do something that you gain LP from you count 'backwards' instead. Like if you got 10LP for something you now have -10LP in magic.
Once it have reached -100DP (in magic) it's magic will forever be dark, before -100 it can redeem itself with a new magical test.
How it worksA donkey that is lured (or chose) to follow the dark son, starts out following one of his sister's paths at first (no matter if its elemental or mental). They complete the elemental path and the corresponding test before it strays to the dark path of Tamas. This must be noted with the test that you plan to take your donkey towards darkness. Up until it reaches -100LP in magic skill the donkey can redeem it's ways with a new test and become good again, but once that -100LP reached, there is no turning back.
As a 'reward' in following him (as in when you get to -100 LP), Tamas will give your donkey a magical addition; your donkey can temporary perform a elemental or mental magic that is not it's own (ie done a test for, only one type at a time), but only at the average level. It will be known as a Mimikry donkey. To be able to perform it, the donkey need to touch the 'source' of that magic first (ie a donkey with that type of magic). The mimicry donkey can only hold on to the magic as long as the source of it is close by - the further away it is - the less the mimicry donkey can perform the other type of magic. Remember - Like all dark/black magic it is more draining and dangerous than the normal type of magic - use with caution. The mimicry donkey won't have the same control of the 'new' magic as the source of the magic is and to preform the 'new' magic can take its toll leaving it in jeopardy.
Dark elemental magic

If the elemental magic turns dark, the donkey can shape and manipulate the element it can control into a darker nature; one that damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything it come across. This is representing the hazardous and destructive side of nature, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal elements.
Dark mental magic

If mental magic turns dark it will be limited to a certain range to work, in most cases this includes it only activates through touch and it's 'victim' need to be within sight for it to work. While a 'dark mental magic' donkey can control someone else's actions it will lose most of the control control of its own body thus leaving it at great risk. The higher the level the donkey is at, the higher the risk. OBS - in roleplay - always agree on what your donkey is allowed to see/feel or not with the person you roleplay with - NO godmodding! This is even more important in regards to the dark mental magic.
Mimicry - only for the dark side
The ability to mimic the abilities of people, plants, or other animals and even another donkey's powers for a short time. It's unique to the dark side of mental magic. It works by touch only ie the Mimicry donkey need to touch the other for the 'transfer' to work. This is however very draining. The higher level of magic the donkey have, the longer time it can mimic someone else. Can only perform the 'stolen' magic at the lowest level and the donkey need to be close to the source for the magic to work fully. Obviously, the longer time performing this magic the more draining it is. The highest level donkeys are able to mimicry for about an hour before the connection breaks. Be careful - this might be dangerous for your donkey!
Manipulator (reversed from Aerona)
The donkey can induce, add and manipulate different mental illnesses, including mood, anxiety, impulse/addiction, personality, dissociation and behavioral disorders. They can also (depending on level of magic) change the intensity of the disorder, forcing someone to experience the disorder so intensely that they can hardly function and have someone experience the disorder mildly where it's hardly a problem in their life. The higher the magic level the stronger the 'victim' will be affected - as long as the manipulator donkey put it's focus on it. OBS - in roleplay - always agree on what your donkey is allowed to see/feel or not with the person you roleplay with - NO godmodding! This is even more important in regards to the dark mental magic.
Pseudo (reversed from Mender)
They can make any injury worse or not heal at all at the same time they make the one they are 'helping' think it's is getting better. This requires a daily touch to keep the wound/sickness not to get better naturally. More often if the magic level of the pseudo donkey is low. They can't directly kill someone else with their magic. This donkey is also the only that can also practice necrokinesis to some degree (only at Prime level). They can make the dead 'speak', and they can make a body up to their own size move just slightly (like standing up). Up to three bodies if each of the bodies is not larger than the size of a fox.
Mesmer (reversed from Foresight)
Mesmers are masters of mirage. They weave deception magic that seeks to confound, disorient and dumbfound others. They trick them in believing that a location or another donkey/person appear different (this include themselves). They don't really change physically, the magic only make others think they have. Sometimes this can be used to mask something that is already there or to create a distraction and lead someone the wrong way.
Darksense (reversed from Empathy)
The donkey is able to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets. The magic work by touch only.
Enchanter (reversed from Telepathy)
The donkey have the ability to communicate with and bring out (temporary) the dark side of someone, evil side of their own soul, like they would be under a spell. They have the power to manipulate certain means of magic to accomplish their goals. The Enchanter donkey can force the victim to face their inner evil, either in a mental struggle or bring the victim's dark side into the world as a physical being. If made often enough, and the Enchanter donkey can make the other use it's magic for bad things and they might be able to turn that donkey into those that follow the herd of the First Son. Those are known as 'corrupted'. A 'lesser' effect is that the victim if pushed hard enough is driven to insanity by the sensation of this ability
Umbra (reversed from Telekinesis)
The donkey have the ability to create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows in others souls. Need to be in sync with darkness, whether their own or the source of their power. Nighttime is when the Umbra is the strongest, daytime not as much unless in the shadows. Wont be as strong as during the night however. In other words, a Umbra is limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.