Wild Drabardi Deities
These deities are known by most Drabardis but perhaps mostly of those that still wanders free on the island. While never really worshipped they are seen as personal protectors and individual 'offerings' can be given to the one the donkey feel closest to. The highest deity is Akasha, the Mother-of-all, and followed in rank are her four daughters. Akasha's consort Tattva (who many jacks see as their special protector) are while powerful and ruling in his own luminous right, below even his daughters in rank due to the Drabardis matriarch system. The First Son, Tamas, is always trying to cause some sort of mischief or trouble just out of spite. He also want to lessen the powers of his sister's by making some of their powers his. He also hope to one day being able to claim his right to the heavens, and the world below, shifting the balance and turn it upside down. Therefor Tamas is not one to brag about that you worship. While not hated in any way, Tamas thinks outside the box, and isnt afraid to put himself and his need afront of others.

Akasha - Mother-of-all
The Mother-of-all, a celestial mother of every existing form and being. Sometimes when she descends down to earth, Akasha often takes the mortal form of a old and mature slightly swaybacked jenny, but most of the time she travels the world as the Sun, always watching over her creation with her warm golden eyes. On some donkeys coats there seem to be a shimmer and it is said the Great Mother have let her gaze upon them extra long. Akasha favors the hues of Sonali (golden) and Sonnsaster (bronze). Elemental magic:

The first born daughter and origin of elemental Water magic and the mental magic of Empathy and Telepathy. She is seen as the mother of waters, and nurturer of water resources. Naiya is a nurturer, kind and giving, but possibly also impractical and slightly unreliable as the sea itself, as she flow restlessly from one shape to another, expressing her moods with her physical forms. Some elderly donkeys mean that Naiya is the most powerful goddess of all for she can move around any obstacle in her path without losing her essential nature. Naiya can, in time, even dissolve the hardest mountains created by her sister Cedis - and perhaps also her mother. Likewise she has the power that can stop her hot blooded sister Amala. Other elderly donkeys tell that the reason why Naiya is restless are because she worries a lot. The goddess of water have been described to either have a black or blue face but her worry turns her face whiter or paler as time goes by. Unless in her donkey form it is said Naiya take her shape of a frog or a large toad. Naiya favors the hues of Nila (blue) and Violeta (violet).

The second born daughter and origin of elemental Earth magic and the mental magic of Aerona and Mending. Cedis is calm, patient, hardy and practical, but possibly also stubborn and possessive. She has an eternal strength of stone and the endurance of mountains. A good problem solver that won't rush things along. She have a more long-term view of things than her siblings, and scorns the sometimes impulsive haste of the short-lived mortal creatures that inherited her Mothers creation - even though some are descendants to her. A good guide to keep on your side. Burrowing animal Cedis favors the hues of Zeleny (green) and Kapila (brown).

The third born daughter and origin of elemental Air magic and the mental magic of Telekinesis. Makani is wild, unfocused and cannot be truly contained in one place. One of her favorite pastimes is to race through the endless blue skies. She is often sociable and communicative, but possibly also shallow and flighty in her nature. In her mortal form, when she like her mother and her siblings take the shape of a donkey, she from time to time seem to possess the power to control the winds in such ways that they can carry her swiftly from one part of the island to the other without harm. Some have said she looks like a vortex of wind and smoke, while others claimed they have seen a smoky bird-like creature with glowing eyes and wind for wings. Nobody knows for sure. Makani favors the hues of Pitambara (yellow) and Gauri (white).

The fourth born daughter and origin of elemental Fire magic and the mental magic of Foresight. Amala is energetic and creative, but possibly also foul tempered and reckless. If she is in a bad mood and set free she is a fearsome force - destructive, merciless, always hungry, leaving the land charred and scorched in her wake. Amala enjoy frightening beings weaker than herself, and can at times terrorize any creature she can set on fire. Her mortal form vary in appearance, besides the traditional donkey form of her and her siblings, she usually take the form of a coiling serpent made of thick smoke and flame. Common features on her donkey form are made by darker bits of flame or patches of semi-stable smoke, ash, and cinders. The one sister that might be the closest in relation to the Dark son. She dislikes her sister Naiya and she cant enter water or any other nonflammable liquid. Amala favors the hues of Rohit (red) and Albicant (orange).

Tattva - Consort of the Mother-of-all
Consort of the Mother-of-all and sire to Naiya, Cedis, Makani, Amala and Tamas. Tattva travels the world as the (full) Moon, and very rarely take a mortal form. He is said to be the guardian over foaling jennies, his pale light protecting them. A few times however he turn away (dark moon) from the earth to tend to his celestial range. It's seen as a bad omen among jennys to foal under a night when the Consort of the Mother-of-all is turned away from the world. Foals born under this night are said to be easier to turn their magic dark and to join the herd of Tamas. If known, they are usually somewhat shunned by others. Tattva favors the hue of Rajat (silver).

First Son of the Mother-of-all is said be the 'creator of dark magic'. Often ill-translated as "The Devil" or "The Evil Being", but Tamas is in truth neither of these, at least not to a 100% even if he have a grand master-plan with all his doings. He can be best referred to as the "Trickster", as he deals a hoof of misfortune to those that do not offer him enough tribute or respect. At times Tamas is rude to his sister's, slander them as well as putting them at risk or pit them against eachother just out of spite. However - many times it's his shrewdness that sometimes helps them. This deity uses his wit rather than sheer force, he is suspicious in nature and selfish. He detest the concept of rules and morals, such things only limits the power you have in his eyes. Tamas don't flinch to inflict pain in others even if he does his best to stay out of direct confrontations and conflicts. He can do 'good' but only if it's in his own self interest, therefore the right thing in a given situation is not always the 'right' thing. Those that follow him tend to be inspired by his ways and what they can gain but they can and are often different (ie often getting other character flaws as well) depending on what sister and path they first followed. Those that followed Makani (air) often becomes forgetful and inconsiderate, followers of Naiya (water) become moody, prone to hold grudges and are spiteful. If a donkey chosed to follow Cedis (earth) path they often take on traits like being surly and are resistant to change their ways (ie more than normal 'donkey stubborn'). Finally, the sister who is perhaps Tamas favorite because she is so much like himself in a way, Amala (fire) - her former followers often become pushy, easily angered and intolerant of others weakness/emotions. Tamas enjoy creating some chaos from time to time, since with no real task to do or a element to rule over he gets -very- bored and he has to amuse himself somehow. Tamas like to nurture anxiety, all kinds of destructiveness, delusion, negativity, apathy, and violence in those that he can sway over. Tamas uses his wit rather than sheer force, he is suspicious in nature and selfish. He detest the concept of rules and morals, such things only limits the power you have. Tamas don't flinch to inflict pain in others even if he does his best to stay out of direct conflicts and confrontations. He can do 'good' but only if it's in his own self interest, therefore the right thing in a given situation is not always really the 'right' thing. Those that follow him tend to be or get inspired by him but can - and are - often different (often getting other character flaws as well) depending on what sister and what path they first followed. Those that follow Makani (air) often becomes forgetful and inconsiderate, Naiya (water) become moody, prone to hold grudges and as well as spiteful. If a donkey that chosed to follow Cedis (earth) often take on traits like surly and resistant to changing their ways once they made up their mind. Finally, the traits of the sister who is perhaps Tamas favorite because she is so much like himself in a way, Amala (fire) - pushy, easily angered and intolerant of others weakness/emotions. Tamas favors the hues of Shabha (grey) and Devaki (black).