Types of Magic

The Drabardi first begins to develop their magical abilities once they reach magical maturity, usually at at 3-4 years old (in the wild). All donkeys have the seed of magic within them, and this is something they inherited from their devine ancestors and the Mother-of-All. This magical seed represents the donkeys inborn magical powers. However, the magic is different for all donkeys and need gentle care to be able to grow. All powers start weak and grow over time just like a seed. It's in proportion to how many life points you have in magic.

What those powers are depends on what path in life your donkey take, and in another way this also depicts what deity or deities your donkey will choose to worship the most. Every donkey is capable of learning two strands of magic (one elemental and one mental). The elemental magic is always dominant over the mental.

The skill points in the subordinate mental magic can only be gained to max a base level if it's not in the same strand, ie water elemental - water mental magic vs water elemental - fire mental.

If the dark path is chosen the LP is counted in negative numbers. So if you earn 10 LP in magic it will look like -10 LP instead. Once you have reached -100 LP in magic there is no turning back to being good. Then a Drabardi donkey often get a similar look as Tamas. Before -100 LP however there is always ONE chance to redeem yourself before the Mother-of-all.

Sometimes it happens that the donkey will be blessed by one of The Mother-of-All's children - or even the Mother herself, that can make it's dominant magic even stronger or possibly something else!

There is no way of limiting magic and I did not wish to list things too strictly to give you as much freedom as possible. Therefore its up to you to figure out and decide how you interpet the different types of magic and how your donkey handles it. However, do take a look at the examples and work from those. If you are unsure - its simply to contact the group/@decors on DeviantArt. Don't forget your donkey need to practice the magic you want it to do before it can actually do it. To do it together with something else, like adventuring/roaming is totally fine, as well as doing it as collaborations.

Obviously the higher magic LP the donkey have, the stronger and more control over it's magic will have. No donkey can however create the element they have power over from nothing (unless blessed by the Mother-of-All), but they can control their element even in the smallest amount and make it grow.

Remember: To be able to do a certain thing, your donkey has to have trained for it.