
A long, long time ago there was nothing. The world was cold and empty and the Mother-of-all Akasha was the only one awake. Bored, the Mother-of-all decided to create...something. Out of sweatdrops that fell from her neck she formed a small round sphere, and as she added more and more sweatdrops to the first one, it finally became a giant globe of water. Then, as she pawed at the liquid globe to form it more evenly, some debris from under her hoof fell down onto the globe.

This created the earth, and even today one can find and see signs of her hoofmarks, dents and ridges, as Akasha tried to smooth it out. Above she made the clear sky as a protective dome around her creation. As she wanted someone to share this world with, she took a part of herself along with some hair from her tail switch and created her future consort, Tattva. Akasha then established the order in the world, with herself as the sun in the center and her consort as the moon by her side. Even if the Mother-of-all liked Tattva a lot, she liked it even more when he chased her across the protective dome. Never before had there been someone to play and run with! She was fast, however, but Tattva never gave up the chase, and thereby the cycle of day and night started and still continues to this day. Tired after having creating the world, Akasha shook her coat, and that caused some of the sparkly dust that covered her coat to fly into the air and thus the stars was created.

Over time Akasha had created many things, but it wasn't until now she had a place for them all. The Mother-of-all glided down to the new world in her mortal form. She had long ears so she could hear it all, keen eyes to see it all, a nose so well developed she could scent it all. The land was quite bare at the time, and she began to walk in all directions and everywhere she walked grass and different plants began to grow. Some even grew taller than herself. Those became the trees. Here and there she stopped to paw the ground or roll, scratching her back, and thus small valleys and mountains were created. After returning to the field where she had first come down the Mother-of-all rested for a time, quite pleased with herself. Still tucked in her coat, like small grain or seeds, were her other creations. Now, when they had a whole new world to grow and live in it was time to wake them up.

She shook and one of the seeds fell to the ground. Leaning over it she let her warm breath bring it to life. The little shimmering seed stirred and shortly after an insect came out, then another and another til many different forms of insects had emerged from the tiny seed. She gave each their own look and gave their own special colors so she would be able to tell them apart later when she saw them again. Some she even gave the ability to change from one form to another. Each also got their own name so she could call on them. The Mother-of-all sat down and watched the glorious sight of her insects mingling with the flowers she had made for them. But, after awhile she grew bored and walked towards the mountain that rose high, high up towards the sky, taller than any tree. There she ventured into a very deep cave that lied very close to the heavens from where she had first come.

To be able to see better in the dark she began to spread her light around her. It melted the ice that had been inside completely and now it flooded out from the cave, cascading down the side of the mountain. Thus the rivers and streams of the world were created. Letting one of the shimmering seeds in her coat drop into the water, Akasha created fish. As she let a few more seeds fall down on the ground near the shallow part of the water, and now small snakes, lizards, toads and frogs came to life. Just like with the insects she gave them different forms and colors as well as a name for each of them. Next, as she followed the water down the side of the mountain, the Mother-of-all brought life to the seeds that made the birds and other animals. They burst into the sunshine in a glorious array of colors and joyous song. Now she called all her creations that she had made to her and instructed them to enjoy the wealth of what she had created and to live peacefully with one another.

The Mother-of-all was now naturally quite tired and it made it possible for her consort to finally manage to catch up with her. They mated and in quick order she then gave birth to four fillies and one colt. To her firstborn filly Naiya the Mother-of-all gave the control of water because she was as spirited and lively as the water was. Her second-born daughter Cedis, who was the most calm, held the magic to control earth. By now Akasha was becoming more and more restless herself, missing her celestial form. Makani, her third born filly was given the power to handle the winds. This filly seemed to have inherited her mother's temper at the time, and was behaving almost as restlessly as her. At times Makani made the wind pull and tug at the trees and the tall grasses. The fourth filly was born in the center of the island. Here Mother-of-all had paced around, wearing away most of the grasses she had previously tended to so carefully, making the red soil show. The heat from her coat also made the ground much drier. Amala was therefore born with quite a hot temper but didn't seem to be bothered with her dry surroundings.

Tamas was born last. He was a bronze colored foal with a dark face. He was the Mother-of-all's only colt. Tattva was very proud over his family but by now Akasha wanted nothing more than to return to her old celestial life, she felt too worn out by her earthly self. She left when her colt was barely weaned and she didn't leave him with any special gift, at least nothing like the special gifts she had bestowed on his sisters. She only allowed him to tap into his sister's gifts for short periods of time making him able to do what they did but just as long as they were near.

Soon after, Tattva followed his mate into the sky and he became the pale silvery moon. The little colt Tamas got even more angry - and sad. His mother had never shown him the same love and affection as she showed his sisters or his father, and now their father had left as well. What had he done wrong? The darkness inside the colt grew but he hid it well, masking it by pulling pranks on everyone else as well as taking every chance he got to tap into his sisters' powers and learning how to control them better than they could. The talents he had, he used to make fun of others and make himself look even better. In secret he convinced some of his mother's creations to trap and eat those that were weaker than themselves, for example the spider. Tamas also helped some, among them the Catamount, the Ulv and the Bear to grow fond of the taste of blood and raw meat. Before Tamas they had all been living in peace with the other creations of Akasha, eating mostly the same type of food. As their lust for blood grew, their teeth changed to be better able to rip out flesh.

At first the foals of the Mother-of-all and her consort Tattva, lived together peacefully, but eventually envy began to creep into their hearts, most likely planted there by Tamas. Just like the catamount, the ulv and the bear they began to change.The envy grew like they had been seeds. They became jealous of each other's gifts and they began to argue. Slowly the world around them changed too as they bickered and became much drier. Both plants and the other animals that had been living quite well before began to have a harder time surviving. Amala wasn't so sensitive to heat as some of the others, and made her domains even hotter, only so she could have it to herself. She also kept drying up the rivers Naiya tried to make flow down the mountains. Makani amused herself by taking the soil Cedis had formed and blowing it away, making it almost impossible for things to grow.

Tamas kept changing sides, only urging his sisters' as well as his mothers annoyance on. The Mother-of-all was forced to come down once more to mediate their bickering. In the end, and perhaps out of frustration, she gave her daughters new magical gifts but once more she seemed to forget about her son, and the hurt over having been forgotten and overlooked a second time grew inside Tamas, as did the darkness in his heart. It began to change him. The darkness of his soul seemed to take his body, splitting it in two down the middle along the spine. The dark side of his body took a dried in and rotting look and on some parts of his body his bones were showing though. His good side showed a jack in his prime, with a shiny dark bronzed coat.

Before Mother-of-all left world she had created for the second time she made a new creature, using some hairs from herself and parts from the Morning Star. The new creature looked very similar to the mortal form she had chosen for herself, her consort and her foals. She didn't bestow this new being with any magical gifts but instead gave it the wit, stamina and good fortune it would need to survive. The Mother-of-all also put a marking in the shape of a four-leafed clover on its hide to separate it from her own foals.

Eventually it mated with the daughters of Mother-of-all as well as Tamas, the first son, because this creature made from Akasha and the Morning Star was both male and female at the same time. It got the name Tu. The offspring of these matings however were either male or female, not a hermaphrodite like one of its parents. This second generation were those that became the ancestors of the first Drabardi donkeys, carrying both the clovermark on their bodies as well having some magical gifts from its divine relatives.