Adonkee Center

The Bureau of Island Management (BIM) was created by the Drabardi Islands most powerful businessman Mr Hugh Manatee and are (on paper) tasked with protecting, managing, and controlling the wild Drabardi donkeys. According to BIM the donkey herds can - without some form of population control - multiply quickly, risking to damaging the enviorment and graze the island rangeland too hard.

To maintain a healthy number among the donkey herds, though some argue the purpose is to make room for Mr Manatee's large herds of sheep and cattle, an appropriate 'population balance' have been set in some areas of public rangelands (most often quite barren and well fenced off from Mr Manatee's farms).

The control of the population is held through a capture program. Most donkeys that are captured are offered for adoption to individuals or groups on the island or the mainland that are willing and able to provide humane, long-term care after payment of an adoption fee.
Once a donkey are taken off the island it is not allowed to return.

Want to adopt? Please read on!

There are no set "prompts" on these but the adoptionpiece should in some way depict either as you as the donkey, you as the person wanting to adopt it etc. The "you" can of course be one of your present/current HARPG characters.
If you are adopting to play as the donkey ON the island perhaps you can depict it as escaping the pen in some way.
Endless possibilites - let your imagination run...wild

What do you need to do to be able to adopt a Drabardi donkey from the holding pens?


- Full Body images ALWAYS win against headportraits.
- No copying the import images pose directly, its nice to see originality in the artwork.
- Include the donkeys Information
- Stories + picture are always a good thing, 2-300WC is enough
- Backgrounds also improve your chances
- No Tracing without credit
- Credit references when used.


- At least 1200 word story - paint a "picture" using words. The more details and 'plot'/story the better. Feel free to include your human characters. Why are they looking for a 'rescue donkey'? What are their goal with getting a longear etc.


- You can only enter once for each donkey
- Be creative, its fun with people who try new things.
- Most importantly - have fun
- No bickering or being rude, that will not be tolerated.