Type caps
The different types of Drabardi is good at different things and the limits are often due to size and build, like the smallest Pesha is not as strong as the large Barri - for natural reasons. And the Barri isnt as agile as the Kalpana etc. A blessing will however make it able to be higher even if there is a type cap. However - there are ways to boost the cap.
Type |
Speed |
Strength |
Endurance |
Dressage |
Jumping |
Gaits |
Pesha |
80 |
50 |
80 |
50 |
60 |
60 |
Kalpana |
80 |
50 |
80 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Baro |
80 |
70 |
70 |
60 |
80 |
80 |
Barri |
50 |
No Cap |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Fights are something more 'used' on the Island rather than in the HARPG.
The stats that will be taken to account in a fight besides Experience are:
- Strength,
- Endurance,
- Wit
- Social.
Magic is never used in a fight since its seen as cheating. Only a donkey that follow Tamas would take to such low tactics. A donkey that have two levels higher than it's opponents highest level (from the mentioned skills) get an automatic win for the whole fight. Each of the skills (Strength, Endurance, Wit and Social) are looked on separately. The 'fight roll' is in other words made into four rounds, one for each skill. Whoever gets the best result out of four, and if needed Experience are used as a tiebreak.
A higher (herd status) ranked donkey will always win over a lower ranked when it come to fights, but the lower ranked donkey will still gain +0,5 LP in experience. If there is a fight over territory borders, food sources or jennys (if the fighters are jacks) or not, it's up you as players.
How to?
If you want the fight rolled by an admin just send in the fighters together with their Strength/Endurance/Wit/Social stats. You can also chose together with your collaboration partner who wins and 'ignore' the fight-rolls altogether. Only the loser will get Experience points.
Young donkeys often test others their own age, playfighting. You can chose to do this if you want but no points will be awarded.
The leadjennys and herdjacks of the canon herds can't be fought with, but you can always chose to fight with a member of the canonherds, it will be randomized who you will met. You can also chose to fight with a predator if you would stumble over one - however be aware of the danger! You can get injured!
Stats Recordkeeping
In order for your Drabardi to make the most of their skills, make sure you keep their profile up to date as well as list/store all art and the LP it is worth. This way, when your donkey reaches a certain amount of LP, an admin will be able to access all the art and its worth in one place to confirm the level up.
Any gained points that are not on your character's recordjournal will not count when your donkey need to use them!
HOW TO Make your Drabardis record journal can be found HERE
Breeding Profits
The stats will also come into importance when it come to breeding. You could basicly say that the amount of points = how good your donkey are. You can see more about it here: Drabardi and Life Points under Starter/Custom and Born In-Game.
The HARPG Drabardi Donkeys can - if skilled enough - earn themselves a Jack/Jenny of all Trade blessing (for more information about this please look at the Blessing page).
For more information on breeding, please look at the Breedingpage.