

Garnish accentuates some existing markings (not all of them) with a different color so the range of this marking depends on the marking or markings it accentuates. The marking can also fill up the gaps between certain markings such as stripes or holes (middle and bottom image).

If there are no markings to accentuate (top image), garnish should be minimal and instead help to define parts of the donkey's body. In this regard there is a lot of freedom, so long as it is minimal.

What type of edges on this marking

The edges of the Garnish marking is always crisp.


  • - Can not have a gradient, be blurry or fade.
  • - If the marking does not accentuate any other marking, its very minimal in its range, usually only around the lower part of the eye, shoulder and rump for example.
  • - Can not be mistaken for any dun expressions or Zebardi.

The group is flexible when it comes to the looks of the markings (since nature doesn't always follow the rules and goes by *strict* lines), so as long as your markings are similar to the examples you shouldn't have any issues. As long as the marking is still visually identifiable everything is good in the hood.
NOTE - if too many people abuse this, rules will become stricter.