Drabardi markings

Drabardi hues
The special hues are one of the things that separate the Drabardi donkeys from normal ones. Even if most Drabardi donkeys these days only show a faint colored hue over their natural colors, breeders on the mainland work on breeding up the opacity of the hues so they will become stronger, just like they once were on the island. In the wild the strong hues are rare, and only seem to pop up now and then. The wild-born with strong hues are usually sold for high sums to the mainland.

Opacity and order on Drabardi markings
The opacity of the markings as well as the order of the marking themselves is entierly up to you.There are however a slight order when it comes to colors and 'real' markings and you can find a small 'guide' here.

Color on Drabardi markings
In the above guide you will find a suggestion of a webpage where you can go to get color examples. Do note that most Drabardi markings say they should be darker than the donkeys coat color (real base + modifier + hue) but other than that its up to you to pick the color. You will find a good link for getting a nice spectrum of colors to use at the guidepage linked above.

Common Markings

# Bib
# Boot
# Collar
# Garnish
# Ghost Tan
# Grizzle
# Hoodie
# Mantle
# Miradale
# Pips
# Tapiro
# Veiled

Uncommon Markings

# Ticking
# Umoru
# Walpurti
# Weneer
# Zebardi

Rare Markings

# Kohl
# Shoulder spots
# Tweed
# Wapiti
# Zorrillo

Very Rare Markings

# Albedo
# Harrisii
# Lineback
# Meles
# Midventral
# Stipple

See more information on each marking
The group is flexible when it comes to the looks of the markings (since nature doesn't always follow the rules and goes by *strict* lines), so as long as your markings are similar to the examples you shouldn't have any issues. As long as the marking is still visually identifiable everything is good in the hood.
NOTE - if too many people abuse this, rules will become stricter.